Bausch Health, Canada, has announced that Emerade™ epinephrine auto-injectors are now available in pharmacies across Canada.
With Emerade, Canadians have access to an additional epinephrine auto-injector option.
Read Bausch Health’s statement for details on the Emerade launch and other product details.
For additional details about the Emerade launch, please visit emerade.ca or call 1 800 361-4261.
Advocacy in action
We have been strongly advocating over the last two and a half years to ensure there is always affordable access to life-saving medication by having a minimum of two epinephrine auto-injector suppliers in Canada long-term. With Emerade, there will now be three suppliers to choose from, giving Canadians more choice and the option to select the device best suited for them.
Consistent and affordable access to epinephrine is a priority of the National Food Allergy Action Plan. Learn more about the plan and how you can help to #MakeFoodAllergyCount by writing your MP. With your support, we can make a significant impact for all Canadians impacted by food allergy.
Tags: auto-injector, Emerade, Epinephrine